Lalani Hunsaker


Lalani Hunsaker has worked in and around politics her entire adult life. She spent almost five years out of college working for the U.S. Senate on land, water, and natural resource issues. Next, she was involved in issue-based work; specifically on state marriage amendments. She was the spokesperson for Prop 102 in Arizona.

For the next several years, she ran grassroots campaigns for local candidates that she aligned with and wanted to help. That turned into serious political consulting work that she did for conservative candidates until 2020.

Lalani has served on the board for a large charter school EMO, been the COO of an Orthodontic Company, and ran a successful travel Instagram account. In 2021, she left the education board to go in-house for the EMO as their Director of Government Relations. In that role, she has also served as interim school Director for 11 months in North Carolina prior to returning to Arizona to resume her duties as Director of Government Relations full-time.

She and her husband Nate have been married for almost 23 years, and have 4 children ages 20, 17, 13 and 11. They have lived in the same district in Arizona for the last 18 years.

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